| Click an image to enlarge  The translucent light that surrounds us can only be made evident through a heart that is open to generous orthodoxy.  Indigo Halo $1,500 (sold)
 Open Heart $1,850 (sold)
 "Wine Tasting" $350 (sold out)
 "Evening in Red Dress" $1,800 (sold out)
 "Red Mittens in the Snow" $2,400 (sold)
 Nestled $1,850
 "Festive Dreamer" $400 (sold)
 "Comfort" $1,850 (sold)
 "Mutual Attraction" $2,500 (sold)
 "The Artist" $160 (sold out)
 "The Brave One" $160 (sold out)
 "The Homebody" $160 (sold out)
 "The Optimist" $160
 "The Pessimist" $160 (sold out)
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