I was working on this piece today - a departure from my typical style. I like to work on a couple of pieces at a time to stay fresh. This one reminds me of my life, my thinking. My view of others is compartmentalized - I think I have life, people, figured out and then something new is thrown my way and usually I'm humbled by my selfish thoughts. The only constant true clarity in my life is Christ. Amidst everything I learn and am exposed to "the greatest of these is love."
I was working out in the gym today when a dad and his son came in. I've seen them several times before but today I was lifting weights next to them. The son is blind and he always walks in guided by his dad with this great smile on his face.
He appears happier then most everyone else there. I watched as his dad patiently guided him and set up each machine for him to work at. I was touched by their relationship and thought about the sons view. His view seems to come from the inside out. I can't interpret his view for sure but I know that it is more about the relationships and interactions of those around him than the actual view of his surroundings.
This struck me, that as artists we are trying to interpret our view in the same way.
We want to communicate more of the unseen we want to reach people on a deeper level. Our interactions and history shape our view and how we each create and interpret our view. I want my work to reach that deeper unseen level. This piece I'm working on reminds me of that - the close up and distant view of this tree played out in organic shapes.
This is day one - starting a new painting Into the Grey 2. I like the moodiness evoked from the greys. The entire painting draws me in to another place, the vastness, the beauty of the contrasts of shadow, light, strength and softness.
I was traveling back from holiday through Indiana/Ohio and there were all these incredible clouds in blues and grays so I started snapping shots. Everyone talks about this drive and how there is nothing except farmland for a length of 4 hours. But, the starkness gives the sky a prominent showcase. There is a lot of gray this time of year so I decided to make the best of the subtleties presented in cool and warm grays. This painting will be the beginning of a new series -the rest will be in a larger horizontal format.
I'm looking forward to the beginning of a new year painting, playing, discovering, and creating more!